Welcome to the South Dakota Green Party – where shared passion for sustainability and social progress unites us. Explore our platform, join vibrant discussions, and discover how together, we're shaping a greener, more equitable future for South Dakota. Your presence fuels the movement for positive change.
Welcome to the GreenConnect SD Quarterly Meetup, an exclusive gathering designed for dedicated members of the South Dakota Green Party. This is where passionate advocates within the party come together to connect, strategize, and strengthen the Green movement across the state.
Through meaningful discussions, purposeful workshops, and engaging presentations, we aim to empower our members with the knowledge and tools needed to drive the Green Party’s agenda forward in South Dakota. Together, we can leverage our collective wisdom and enthusiasm to shape policies, advocate for sustainable practices, and inspire others to join our cause.
Whether you’re a longstanding party member or a newly affiliated advocate, the GreenConnect SD Quarterly Meetup is your opportunity to actively contribute to the growth of the South Dakota Green Party.Â
Stay connected with us to stay informed about upcoming events and opportunities for involvement. Let’s harness our passion, expertise, and dedication to pave the way toward a greener, more sustainable future for South Dakota, hand in hand with the South Dakota Green Party.
October 21, 2023
January 20, 2023
April 20, 2023
July 20, 2023