Welcome to the South Dakota Green Party – where shared passion for sustainability and social progress unites us. Explore our platform, join vibrant discussions, and discover how together, we're shaping a greener, more equitable future for South Dakota. Your presence fuels the movement for positive change.
To inspire and assist every eligible South Dakotan in registering to vote, ensuring that our elections reflect the diverse and vibrant voices of our state.
The name “Stand Up South Dakota” was chosen for its powerful symbolism. To “stand up” means more than just rising from a seated position. It signifies taking a stance, making a choice, and being counted. When South Dakotans stand up together, we create a stronger, more unified state where everyone is heard.
Democracy is at its best when everyone participates. Whether you’re registering to vote for the first time, assisting others, or just spreading the word, you’re making a crucial difference. Join us. Stand up for South Dakota. Stand up for democracy.