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Category: SD Green Party

South Dakota Green Party Demands Justice and Accountability in Rapid City

Rapid City, SD – The South Dakota Green Party vehemently condemns the ongoing injustice perpetuated by State’s Attorney Lara Roetzel’s office. The recent sit-in by the families of Nevaeh Brave Heart, Aiko Storm White Eagle, Kasey Arehart, and Kyle Whiting, along with local community members, reflects

Native American Heritage Month: Reinstate the Black Hills to the Oceti Sakowin

To Whom It May Concern, We, the South Dakota Green Party (SDGP), pen this message with a sense of unyielding urgency and unbridled conviction, calling for the end of a longstanding atrocity. As Native American Heritage Month brings into focus the heritage and history of the

The South Dakota Green Party Calls for Justice for Native Children: Time to Uphold ICWA!

  The beautiful landscape of South Dakota is not the only thing that should be preserved in this state. Our Constitutional commitments (Article VI, Section 2) to Native American Tribes demand urgent attention. The recent Haaland v. Brackeen Supreme Court ruling serves as a stark reminder

Creating Jobs with Clean Energy: A Vision for South Dakota

South Dakota, with its iconic landscapes and deep-rooted history, stands at a transformative juncture. As the dawn of the 21st century shines upon us, the intertwined paths of environmental stewardship and economic opportunity have never been clearer. Clean energy is more than just an environmental commitment—it’s

A Green Party Vote is NOT a Wasted Vote

As the election season heats up, many in South Dakota and beyond are confronted with the age-old argument that voting for a third party, like the Green Party, is essentially “throwing away” their vote. But, as we in the South Dakota Green Party believe, every voice

The Imperative of Defending Tribal Nations Amidst Damaging Rhetoric

To the Citizens of South Dakota and Concerned Parties Nationwide, The South Dakota Green Party feels the urgent need to address recent comments made by Governor Kristi Noem regarding the U.S. southern border and the complex challenges faced by our tribal Tribal Nations. These statements, set

The Future of South Dakota: Powering Ahead with Clean Energy

It is undeniable that the era of clean energy is upon us. It is transforming economies worldwide, fostering innovation, creating jobs, and importantly, it’s our best shot at mitigating the catastrophic effects of climate change. The South Dakota Green Party firmly believes that our state too

The Key to Democracy: Ensuring Ballot Access in South Dakota

For a democratic system to truly reflect the will of its people, it is essential to guarantee that all political parties – regardless of size or ideological standpoints – have the ability to participate equally. The South Dakota Green Party, a grassroots political organization committed to